Getting Things Ship Shape

So, my place is small, and I have a lot of stuff.  I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to set things up, and it’s been a bit of an uphill battle.  Some things are going to have to go, but I’m not ready to let them go quite yet.   I have created some alternatives that provide me more room and privacy.  In all honesty, I’ve been feeling quite tired the last few days and have been putting my feet up, I mean weary and exhausted to the point of not being able to think.  Interspersed with that feeling I’ve had bursts of energy that have helped me t get done what I’ve completed so far.  However, this morning I’m devoting to reading after I’m done my blogging.  I wanted to take more pictures, but in all honesty I need to sweep and tidy up, and it’s still the am, so more pictures and such may follow later today, or tomorrow.  😀

Crafting area    GE DIGITAL CAMERA

So this is my crafting center, it does not have everything it needs there, but that’s most of it.  There are paints, pencil crayons, pencils and erasers, speciality paper, tools, dyeing stuff, and other assorted paraphernalia for spinning and drawing and writing and sewing, all of that is in  the cubby.  In the boxes and totes to the left are my fabric and some of my stash, the two large totes on the bottom are filled with fleece, In my room I have another trunk full.

Now here is my loom on the kitchen/work table.  I’m in a basement suite and yes behind  the table is a water tank and the heater.    I have plenty of space to move around in, so what’s  there does not bother me in the slightest.  My kitchenette is opposite the table there, I have a hotplate, toaster oven, sink, cupboards and fridge.  My kitchen is now mostly work space with a small cooking prep space, which is exactly what I was looking for.  It’s ideal.

My bedroom, has been turned into a bed sitting room, but pictures for that won’t be coming until I’ve made my bed and picked up the laundry.  Now, I also have a lot of garden space, it’s really nice and I spend some time out there.


It’s a nice sized patch, but all those flowers and weeds and vines need to come out.  I’m growing vegetables in there. 😀

The biggest thing that slowed me down, was a nasty gash to my finger.  It’s my tension finger, so I’ve been babying it.  I cut it close to the bone and it’s right by the knuckle.  Three weeks and it’s still healing, but I figure in a week or two I can get back to knitting.  I’ve been doing a little spinning in my off time, but there is so much to do these days.  I am enjoying my new home thoroughly.  Now it’s time for me to crawl back into bed and get my read on.  One of the things I really looked forward to doing. 😀

About Sacred Teachings

I am fortunate to live on beautiful Vancouver Island, in the little town of Nanaimo. I want to explore various aspects of paganism and spirituality to bring improvement into my life. I always did believe that when you fall down, you need to pick yourself back up... It may have taken a while, but that's exactly what I am doing... getting back in contact with life, love, nature, and divinity.
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