How to break the Tedium

While I was working on teasing and cleaning my fiber for the coat project I’ve embarked on, I allowed my mind to wander.  Then in the middle of that section of the project I took time out to make a hat.  I designed it myself based on photos of various aviators hats and so it came from my head.  My son was kind enough to model it, and it suits him to a tee.

The Aviator Hat and the Doctor Who scarf, worn with his black suede bomber jacket.

The Aviator Hat and the Doctor Who scarf, worn with his black suede bomber jacket.

I’ve got some modifications to make to it, and you can’t really see it, but I used yen coin buttons.

It’s important when you have a big project like this to break it down and not overwhelm yourself.  Turn the tedium into something positive.  Imagine the knitting project of your dreams and how it is put together may come to you, a gift from the  gods.

So since my wool was finished and I’m not ready to start the next part, I decided it was time to attend to making the dpns for my coat.  I prefer dpns over circulars for some reason, so it just made sense for me to make them.  I found a 6 pack of 9.5 mm dowels at the local dollar store, and yes they were only a dollar for all 6.


Pencil Sharpener and dowels for project

This is all I needed for the project.

Size Comparison of 5.5 mm dpn with 9.5 mm dowel

Size Comparison of 5.5 mm dpn with 9.5 mm dowel.

It’s a vast difference in size between the two.

Here you can see how nicely the points came out :D

Here you can see how nicely the points came out 😀

So that was a nice simple project that gets me one step closer to making my coat.  Next step is dyeing the wool, but before I do that I have to make a little space to hang the fleece.  So this afternoon, I’m going to have to be domestic. 😀

Oh yes and check it out, for a few minutes work, I have a fine set of wood dpns of a serious size for only a buck.

About Sacred Teachings

I am fortunate to live on beautiful Vancouver Island, in the little town of Nanaimo. I want to explore various aspects of paganism and spirituality to bring improvement into my life. I always did believe that when you fall down, you need to pick yourself back up... It may have taken a while, but that's exactly what I am doing... getting back in contact with life, love, nature, and divinity.
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